There are several different ways to ADD an Appliance AD to your AD Report.
The two areas you can do this from are 1) the Appliance Info section, or 2) the Left Navigation Panel:

First, we’ll show you how to add via “Suggested Appliances”. This is a great place to start, because the ADs in this section specifically mention the Airframe, Engine and/or Propeller model(s) that you have entered into your Report header.
1. From the Appliance Info section in the AD Report, click on the “Suggested Appliance ADs” link:

2. Check off the ADs you want to add to your Report.
3. Click the Add Appliance ADs button.
4. Lastly, click the Return to Report button:

The Appliance AD(s) are now added to your Report.

NOTE: *Not ALL Appliance ADs will mention the specific Models that you have in your Report header, so you will most likely need to add more Appliance ADs.
After you have first used the “Suggested Appliance ADs” link, you will then need to follow that up by clicking the “Select Appliance ADs” link:

1. Type a keyword into the Filter Search, to narrow down the list (for example, type the word Magneto to search for Mag ADs).
2. Check off the ADs you want to add to your report.
3. Click the Add button:

The Appliance AD(s) are now added to your Report.
(If you missed a few, you can click “Select Appliance ADs” again, and add more).

Another way to Add an Appliance AD is from the left navigation panel.
1. Click “Add ADs / Service Docs”, then select “Add Appliance AD”:

2. Type a keyword into the Filter Search, to narrow down the list (for example, type the word Magneto to search for Mag ADs).
3. Check off the ADs you want to add to your report.
4. Click the Add button:

The Appliance AD(s) are now added to your Report.
(If you missed a few, you can click “Select Appliance ADs” again, and add more).

Make an Appliance-Only AD Report
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