Mobile Device and Cross Platform Compatible

Does the AD Toolbox work on any computer?

    • Yes, our online service works on ANY device that has internet (Fiber, Wifi, HotSpot).
    • It is cross platform and compatible with both Mac and PC.
    • It runs on any browser (such as Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, etc).
    • It will work on multiple devices: Desktops, Laptops, Tablets and Phones.

Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday

Recurring ADs

How do you know if an AD is Recurring, or not?

Look under the Recurring column, towards the right side of your AD Report:

      • Yes* – This means that the AD is recurring but a specific action in the AD terminates the recurring requirement.
      • Yes – This means that the AD is recurring.
      • If the recurring column is blank, this means the AD is NOT recurring.

These fields can be modified, so you can remove the word Yes or Yes*.

If the field is blank, but the AD is recurring to you, then you can type in the word “Yes” or even state the frequency, such as “100hrs”.


Print Recurring ADs Only


More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9-5 Monday -Thursday, Eastern Time
Closed Friday-Sunday

Print Recurring ADs Only

If you’d like to Print Recurring ADs only, it’s easy!

First, open the AD Report, then click on the Show Recurring Only button:

Next, go to Print Layout Options, then click on the style you prefer:

You will then see on your Print out, that only the Recurring ADs are listed:

Want to Print Recurring Only, for specific Categories, such as: Airframe, Engine, Propeller or Appliance?

Go to Print Layout Options, then click on Separate by Category:

From the drop-down list, select the specific Category you want to Print (Airframe, Engine, Propeller or Appliance), then click the Filter button:

Next, check of the box next to Recurring Only:

Next, select the Layout style that you prefer, then click the PRINT button:

You will then see on your Print out, that only the Recurring ADs, in the Category you selected, has been printed:

When you return to your Report, you can show ALL ADs again, by clicking the Show All button:



Recurring ADs


More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9-5 Monday -Thursday, Eastern Time
Closed Friday-Sunday

How to Add a “Flat Rate” to Invoices and Work Orders

If you’d like to create a “FLAT RATE” item in your Work Orders and / or Service Invoices, there’s a simple way to go about it, and there are several options to consider. Let’s start with Work Orders first…

Flat Rate in Work Orders:

Open an existing Work Order, or create a New one.

Either Add a new Discrepancy, or click View to Edit an existing Discrepancy.

Under the Assigned Mechanic section, leave the Labor Hours at 0.00 (zero).

In the Labor Rate box, type in your final Total Charges for the Flat Rate:

Click Save, and Return to Work Order button in the upper right hand corner.

If you click the Convert to Invoice button, this is how your Flat Rate will appear in the Invoice:

Flat Rate in Invoices:

Open an existing Invoice, or create a new Invoice.

Scroll to the Labor section.

Cclick either the +Add or Edit button to open the Labor Item screen:

You may have to click on the “Click Here for Flat Rate” button, to get on the right screen:

On the Labor Edit screen, you can:

-Make the Labor Taxable, or not
-Give the Repair/Labor item a name
-Type in the Rate amount
-Fill in the Details box (this section will print out when you select the Print Line Item Details button):

Be sure to click the SAVE button, then the Return to Invoice button.

The Details section will print out when you click the Print Line Item Details button:


More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471 9-5 M-F Eastern Time