If you’d like to Print Recurring ADs only, it’s easy!
First, open the AD Report, then click on the Show Recurring Only button:
Next, go to Print Layout Options, then click on the style you prefer:
You will then see on your Print out, that only the Recurring ADs are listed:
Want to Print Recurring Only, for specific Categories, such as: Airframe, Engine, Propeller or Appliance?
Go to Print Layout Options, then click on Separate by Category:
From the drop-down list, select the specific Category you want to Print (Airframe, Engine, Propeller or Appliance), then click the Filter button:
Next, check of the box next to Recurring Only:
Next, select the Layout style that you prefer, then click the PRINT button:
You will then see on your Print out, that only the Recurring ADs, in the Category you selected, has been printed:
When you return to your Report, you can show ALL ADs again, by clicking the Show All button:
More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
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Closed Friday-Sunday