Aircraft Accident Incident Data

In an effort to continually expand our service, we include Aircraft Accident / Incident data (from year 1982 forward), within the Aircraft Profiles.

This will allow you to see if there was ever an event that may have compromised the structural integrity of the aircraft, and it can also be very useful during a pre-buy inspection.

If you’d like to see where to access this information, either open an existing “Aircraft Profiles” record, or create a new record.

Upon opening the record, you will see a box on the right side of the screen referencing this data, but only if there was an accident or incident related to that specific aircraft:

When you click on the VIEW button, it will take you to a more detailed screen:


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Closed Friday thru Sunday

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Author: Jon McLaughlin

Jon enjoys announcing news and updates for the A.D. Toolbox Online, which is an IA Regulatory Library and more, produced by Zook Aviation. Come visit our site at for all your Regulatory needs, and more!