AD Reports: Print by Category

Would you like to print a specific Category from your AD Report?

You can Print ALL Categories, or each Category, one at a time.

What are the Categories?

      • Airframe ADs
    • Engine ADs
    • Propeller ADs
    • Appliance ADs

1. First, OPEN the AD Report you want to print.
2. Click Print Layout Options, and select Separate by Category:

3. Next, select if you want to Print ALL the Categories, or just one.  Click the blue FILTER button:

3.  If you want to print Recurring Only, check the box and click the Filter button.  If not, leave the box unchecked.

4. Lastly, choose the Print Layout.  There are 7 styles, so you may need to try different ones at first until you become familiar with how each style appears:

5. Scroll thru the print preview to see how each category is broken out in to separate sections.  Either Print to your printer, or Download and Save to your Computer of Mobile Device.

ALL Categories – Dynamic FAA style:

Individual Categories – Dynamic FAA style:


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Author: Jon McLaughlin

Jon enjoys announcing news and updates for the A.D. Toolbox Online, which is an IA Regulatory Library and more, produced by Zook Aviation. Come visit our site at for all your Regulatory needs, and more!