Currency Symbol Options

By customer request, the option to choose your Currency Symbol, (or to display none), has been added.

By default, the currency symbol is the US Dollar, however, that can be changed to any international symbol, or you have the option to display no currency symbol at all.

Another option is to keep the default dollar and cents separator as a decimal, or change it to a comma, which is common in several countries outside the US.

To change your currency symbol, go to My Profile and click the blue “Change” link:

You will see a list you can scroll through to locate the symbol you want.

Invoice Parts Summary List

Do you use the Parts / Inventory Tracking and Invoice tools?

If so, you can view the Parts Summary list to see what Parts were Invoiced, and when.  It’s easy, here’s how:

Go to the My Invoices list, and click the Invoice Summary button:

Choose the Year from the drop down list, and click Select:

If you want a more detailed list, click the button that matches your refined list (Quarterly, Monthly, or Parts Summary):

This is what the Monthly Summary style looks like:


More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
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Closed Friday-Sunday