Duplicate Work Orders

Would you be interested in duplicating your Work Orders, to save time and re-typing?

If so, it’s as simple as the click of a button.

Locate the Work Order you wish to duplicate, and click View to open it:

Next, click the Duplicate Button:

You will see in the Status field, it will say:

“Duplicate of ####, which you can Edit and Save


Have questions?  Need help?  Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM   M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday

Selective Discrepancy Printing

Selective Discrepancy Printing

Are there instances where you need to print only certain Discrepancies from within your Work Order?

If so, there is the option to do so, in a fairly simple way.

First, open the Work Order you want to print the discrepancies from.

Click the orange “Select Discrepancies” button:

Next, check off each line that you would like to print:

Click the “Print” or “Print w/ Hours Fields” button to preview the document:

You will see that only the Discrepancies that you selected appear in the document:

From here, you can use your Browser’s Print function, Save or Download the PDF to your computer.

*Depending on your Settings, some browsers, will automatically download the PDF to your computer.  Check your Downloads Folder on your computer.


Perhaps you’d like to convert just a few Corrective Actions over to a LOGBOOK Record, or to an INVOICE?

Click the orange “Select Discrepancies” button.

Next, check off each line that you would like to print:

Click the “Convert to LSSR” or “Convert to Invoice” buttons.

This will move the Corrective Actions into the Logbook Entry, or the Invoice.


Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday



Sorting Discrepancies within a Work Order

Sorting Discrepancies within a Work Order

Would you like your Work Orders Discrepancies to sort in a way that keeps them in order?

It’s easy, here’s how:

1. Open the Work Order

2. Click the Change Discrepancy Display Order button:

3. Type numbers in the Display Order column, in the order that you’d like to list or prioritize each Discrepancy.  Then click SAVE:

Click the ORDER Column header to reverse the order.

Type a KEYWORD in the Filter Search.  That Keyword could be your Discrepancy number, if you need to find it quickly:

*You can Sort every column, just by clicking on the column headers (Order, Discrepancy, Corrective Action, Parts Used, A&P).  Sorting is Alpha-Numeric.


Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday