Download and Save all documents to a computer or mobile device

Although your Data is “in the cloud”,  active Subscribers can Download and Save all documents to a computer, or mobile device.

Every Report and Form you create can be printed to PDF, then Saved / Downloaded to your computer, or mobile device.

1. First, click VIEW to OPEN the Report or Form.

2. Click PRINT.  This will display the document as a PDF file, on screen.

*In the case of AD Reports, click Print Layout Options:

3. Next, Save or Download the PDF to your computer, or mobile device.

    •   Icon for FireFox Save/Download
    •    Icon for Safari Save/Download

You can do this every time you make a new document, or revise an existing one.

Once you have the PDF files saved, you can UPLOAD them to a few different areas within the program:

Look for the Add Document button:


Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday

Duplicate and Copy

Need to DUPLICATE or COPY an existing Form or Report?

What CAN be Duplicated or Copied:

    • AD Reports
    • Weight & Balance Revision
    • 337
    • Logbook Records
    • Work Orders

Can NOT be Duplicated or Copied:

    • Weight & Balance with CG
    • IA Activity Report
    • ICA Form
    • Aircraft Profiles

A common reason to Duplicate Reports or Forms is a new N-number assignment.  Here’s how to keep the records from an OLD N-number to the NEW N-number:

    1. First, you will need to create a brand NEW Aircraft Profile for the new N-Number, by MODEL SEARCH.
    2. Next, Duplicate or Copy any original records, from the OLD/original N-number, that you want to go into the NEW Aircraft Profile.
    3. For each copy, be sure to CHANGE THE OLD N-NUMBER to the NEW N-Number!
    4. Next, open the NEW Aircraft Profile and LINK anything that you’d copied earlier.

BUTTONS to look for, when ready to Duplicate or Copy a Report or Form:

Duplicate button:

Copy (for AD Reports):

Most times, the Copied or Duplicated document will display TODAY’S DATE on it, so it’s easy to find when searching for the record.


Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday