AD Toolbox Appearance on Mobile Devices

The AD Toolbox often has a different Appearance on Mobile Devices.

Why?  Smaller screens require a different layout, to fit an entire website and retain full functionality, in a smaller space.

The two mobile devices used the most are:

    • Smart Phones
    • Tablets

An important key is knowing about the TRIBAR in the upper right hand corner of your mobile device.  This is where the MAIN MENU will be found.  Click the TRIBAR to perform nearly all functions:

Here is what the Main Menu will look like:

If you can’t find something you’re used to seeing on a larger screen, we recommend you keep scrolling down, as that item may be towards the BOTTOM of your screen.

Remember, everything is going to look different, but will still be there!

This is the Member Dashboard, on Mobile:

This is the LOGIN screen:

Need to Logout?  Get yourself to the Member Dashboard.  There you will see LOGOUT towards the upper right hand corner of the screen.

A tablet offers a better view than a SmartPhone.  We encourage you to try it on a Tablet for better visibility and for entering information.


Is there an APP for the AD Toolbox?

Not at this time.  The Site is accessible via mobile web browser.


Have questions?  Need help?  Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM   M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday

Managing SubUser Accounts

If you have a MultiUser Account, it’s important to know how to manage your SubUsers.

Below are specific instructions for the different areas in a SubUsers account:

Email Address MUST be Unique & Valid
Each SubUser must have a unique username.  Our system uses a valid email address as a username.  *If their email occurs elsewhere in our system, that email address cannot be used again, and an alternate email must be assigned to them.

Change a SubUser’s Email Address –  LOG OUT REQUIRED
In order to make changes to a user’s email address, they must be logged out first. If they are not, they will lose access to your account once changes are made. Please verify that they are logged out (not just closing the browser window) before making changes.

Click below to read more about Multi-User account management:

Multi-User Account: Update Your Name, Company Name, Email Address, etc



Need help? Contact Us 9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday