Are you looking for an IA Activity Report, as evidence of work performed, to stay current on your IA Certificate, or for some other purpose?
If so, it’s simple to do. On the LEFT PANEL, click FORMS, then IA ACTIVITY REPORT:
Add a Start and End Date for the time span you wish to produce the Report for. Click the Create IA Activity Report button:
For Multi-User Accounts, select the User from the drop-down list:
Your Report will appear in list format. Next, look over each line to see if changes are needed:
With the BUTTONS, you can:
- Toggle between Show AD Compliance Report Activity Only and Show All Activity (Including from Forms):
- Toggle between Show AD Compliance Report Activity Only and Show All Activity (Including from Forms):
- OMIT lines you do not want to print. Click Unomit to restore the line:
- EDIT the information, in each line:
- Add a FORM DESCRIPTION for this specific Report, so it is easily distinguishable from other reports, and easily found:
- Add a RECORD, to insert a new line in your Report:
- Add a RECORD, to insert a new line in your Report:
This is what your PRINT OUT will look like:
EDIT specific lines in Activity Report:
–Open the exact IA Activity Report that needs changing.
-Click the white EDIT button, for each line that needs to be changed:
-Make changes (such as selecting “Airworthy”), and click SAVE:
OMIT specific lines from Activity Report:
Want to OMIT a lines out that you don’t want to include on the print out?
Simply click the orange OMIT button, and it won’t print.
Want to restore that line? Simply click the white UNOMIT button, and that line will appear in the print out.
If you need to add a line for work performed, click the blue + ADD RECORD button, fill in the information and click SAVE. The new line will be added to your Report:
FORM DESCRIPTION for Activity Report:

There is a lot to this Report. Take your time learning it.
Do you prefer a BLANK form? You can download it HERE:
Click to access FORMZA-IAAR.pdf
or follow this path:
2. Forms > FAA / Custom Forms > Blank PDF Forms > IAAR