When your work is done and it’s time to send your Customer an Invoice, how do you go about it?
We offer an Invoice that is more than just a template. It’s integrated with your Aircraft Profiles, your Customer List, Work Orders and Parts Inventory.
If the work is still “in Progress” and you’d like to offer your Customer a QUOTE, you can easily watermark your Invoice temporarily with a QUOTE stamp. Click the Edit Invoice button, then check the Service Quote box:
This is what the Quote stamp (or Watermark) will look like:
When they agree to the Quote, you can remove the stamp by unchecking the Service Quote box, and present them with the Invoice.
Once they’ve paid the Invoice, you can mark it with a PAID IN FULL stamp, by clicking the Print with Paid in Full Watermark:
And if they happen to go past the Terms window, you can mark the Invoice with a PAST DUE stamp, by clicking the Print Invoice with Past Due Watermark:
In addition to these few mentioned features, there are plenty of other helpful functions of the Invoices. We encourage you to LOGIN and give them a try.
Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday