News & Tips from Zook Aviation
Information Circles are tiny but mighty!
They help us better understand certain buttons and functions throughout the program.
If you spy an “i”, click on it to see what it tells you. Below is an example:
In the AD Report Prep screen, beside the Recurring column, you will see how clicking the “i” for more info reveals some Information, that perhaps you did not know before:
That little “i” teaches you this:
Isn’t it nice to know the different meanings of the words that can appear in the Recurring column?
So, when you spy the tiny “i”, click on it! You might learn something helpful!
More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9-5 M-F Eastern Time
Instead of manually typing the name & cert # into every AD line, which is painstakingly slow, you can fill them all quickly in a few clicks, here’s how:
1. To begin, please open the AD Report you need to change.
2. Towards the top of the screen, beside Airframe Info, click the EDIT link:
3. In the pop-up window, towards the top:
–Single Users: click the circle next to the name, check the “Add selected IA to all AD records in this report” box. Click the green SAVE button:
–Multi-Users: select a name from the list, check the “Add selected IA to all AD records in this report” box. Click the green SAVE button:
4. Now, the Report displays the name on every AD line:
5. Multi-Users can change the name for individual AD lines by selecting from the drop-down list:
6. If needed, you can manually type the name and cert# in each line. Remember to SAVE OFTEN, to avoid data loss!
More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471 9-5 M-F Eastern Time
The easiest method to look for TCDS documents is to do the following search from the Dashboard.
1. Click on the menu bar link “AD & TCD Search” located on the left side of the Member Dashboard.
Select either Airframe, Engine, or Propeller AD & TCD (We’re using a Lycoming Engine for the example here):
2. Type the word “Lycoming” into the Manufacturer field and click “Search“:
3. The results shown below for that search will provide all of the Lycoming engine models, along with their accompanying TCD Sheet. *Type a keyword or model extension in the Filter Search field to get more specific results.
4. Click on the applicable TCDs number you want to read:
You can follow these same steps above for Airframe and Propeller TCDs too.
If you have an Aircraft Profile, the TCDs (for Airframe only, at this time) are shown just under the “Hours” field in the Aircraft Information section. (We’re using a Cessna 172A for this example):
Another place you can view the TCDs are in an AD Report. Here you can view the TCDs for Airframe, Engine(s) and Propeller(s):
If you already know the TCD number you’re looking for, you can run a DIRECT search from the Dashboard.
1. Click on the menu bar link “AD & TCD Search” located on the left side of the Member Dashboard. Then click the TCDS link:
This takes you to the list of ALL TCDs.
*Type the TCD number into the Filter Search field to get specific results.
Click on the TCD number you want to view:
This is what an actual TCD looks like. From here you can Print, or download/save it to your computer:
Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday
If so, you can easily LINK those old Reports and Forms to a new Aircraft Profile:
1) If you haven’t done so already, make a New Aircraft Profile:
2) Once you have the Aircraft Profile made, start linking existing Reports and Forms to the Profile:
Scroll to the section of the Profile you want to link an old Report or Form to.
*The “linking factor” is the N-Number, so you’ll want to make sure that anything you want to link has a matching N-number.
For this example, scroll to the WORK ORDERS section, then click the LINK WORK ORDER button:
Review the possible links, then click the LINK WORK ORDER button for each Work Order you want to add to the Aircraft Profile:
You will now see the newly linked Work Orders listed within the Aircraft Profile:
Repeat these same steps for each section you want to add Reports or Forms to such as:
Look for ALL these “LINK” buttons throughout your aircraft Profile, and link all the documents that may be hanging out there:
Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday
Below are a few examples of how the Logbook can look on screen:
This can be due to communication issues between the PDF and Safari’s screen display. However, there is a quick fix:
1) Hover your mouse over the bottom center of your screen, to bring up the Print action controls.
2) Select the Ink Well icon:
3) This will open the PDF in your Mac’s PDF viewer, where you can successfully Print from there:
There is another solution that seems to work for some people but not others, likely due to OS and Safari versions.
Once you’ve hit the blue PRINT button, and the PDF image is on your screen, then:
Hit Command + P on your keyboard:
Select Landscape Orientation, and click Print:
Your Logbook entry should print normally:
If this still does not work, we’d recommend using a different browser, such as FireFox: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9-5 Monday -Thursday, Eastern Time
Closed Friday-Sunday
It’s easy! You can do this three (3) different ways:
METHOD 1: At the LOGIN screen, there is a Reset your Password link:
It will ask for your email address. This must be your account email address. Reset instructions will be sent to you:
METHOD 2: If you are already Logged In, you can reset your password from My Profile:
Click the “Change” link, type the new password, and click the Change button.:
METHOD 3: Contact Us. If you call, we can reset your password for you, to whatever custom word you prefer.
More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9-5 Monday -Thursday, Eastern Time
Closed Friday-Sunday
If so, there are different ways to go about this, for Singe User and for Multi-User accounts. Please find your account type below for specific instructions:
SINGLE User Accounts:
You will need to CONTACT US to have the IA Name and/or Cert # changed or updated. This is done for security reasons.
MULTI-User Accounts:
1. Go to My Profile:
2. Click the Multi-User Manager button:
3. Look over the User list to find the one you want to change:
4. Click the EDIT button in the User row that you want to change:
5. Type the changes and click SAVE:
You are finished.
More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9-5 Monday -Thursday, Eastern Time
Closed Friday-Sunday
We do not have an “Upgrade” button, but there is a way to do it.
The upgrade is *almost* like placing a brand new order, but you MUST follow these steps or Upgrading will not work:
1) Make sure you are Logged OUT. Yes, that’s right, Log OUT of your account.
2) Go to the Pricing page, here: https://www.airworthinessdirectives.com/Subscribe/Plans
3) Look over the Plans to decide which one you want to Upgrade to:
4) On the Pricing page, click the ORDER NOW button, for the Plan you want to upgrade to:
*(If you use a different email, you will be opening an entirely new EMPTY account, and we do NOT want that! Use the SAME EMAIL as your current existing account!)*
6) Click the red PAY NOW button at the bottom:
You will receive a confirmation email. *Any extra time you had in your previous plan will be added on to your new subscription.*
7) LOGIN to your account, as usual.
8) Need a Receipt? Go to Billing History in the upper right-hand corner of your screen:
You are all set with your new Subscription!
Subscribe or Renew:
Sign-up for a FREE TRIAL:
More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9-5 Monday -Thursday, Eastern Time
Closed Friday-Sunday
You can Assign more than one Owner to the Aircraft Profile. It’s easy, here’s how:
1) Open the Aircraft Profile, by clicking the View button:
2) In the Aircraft Profile, locate the Customers/ Registered Owners section:
3) Click the +Assign Customer button:
4) Repeat +Assign Customer until all the Owners are listed:
5) If the Primary Owner is not correct, Click “Edit List“:
6) Click the Make Primary link:
7) Click the Return the Aircraft Profile button:
8) You will see that the Primary Owner has been changed:
You are finished!
More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9-5 Monday -Thursday, Eastern Time
Closed Friday-Sunday