All about Invoices

When your work is done and it’s time to send your Customer an Invoice, how do you go about it?

We offer an Invoice that is more than just a template.  It’s integrated with your Aircraft Profiles, your Customer List, Work Orders and Parts Inventory.

If the work is still “in Progress” and you’d like to offer your Customer a QUOTE, you can easily watermark your Invoice temporarily with a QUOTE stamp.  Click the Edit Invoice button, then check the Service Quote box:

This is what the Quote stamp (or Watermark) will look like:

When they agree to the Quote, you can remove the stamp by unchecking the Service Quote box, and present them with the Invoice.

Once they’ve paid the Invoice, you can mark it with a PAID IN FULL stamp, by clicking the Print with Paid in Full Watermark:

And if they happen to go past the Terms window, you can mark the Invoice with a PAST DUE stamp, by clicking the Print Invoice with Past Due Watermark:

In addition to these few mentioned features, there are plenty of other helpful functions of the Invoices.  We encourage you to LOGIN and give them a try.


Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday

Use Existing Email when Subscribing or Renewing

Attention Free Trial users, and Expired Customers:

If you’re free trial OR Subscription has expired and you’re ready to purchase OR Renew, please do so using the SAME Email that you currently have with us.


Because your EMAIL address is also your USER NAME and Account IDENTIFIER.  It is more than just an email.

If you use a DIFFERENT Email, you are essentially making an entirely NEW empty account, which will not contain any of your previous work.

Yes, occasionally, there are some folks who will TRIAL with a personal email, then SUBSCRIBE with a work email.  This is fine, just know that when you use a different EMAIL, you’ll starting over with an empty account.


Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday

Updating the AD Toolbox

Announcement:  We are revising our code for the AD Toolbox

Nobody likes change, we know and understand this, however, just as an aircraft needs to be updated, so does a website. Change is necessary, especially when it comes to your security and privacy.

We are updating the AD Toolbox ( website, out of necessity, to make sure your online information is protected.  In the process, we are also updating the User Interface and Navigation areas.

What does this mean? 

It means some things might look different, like colors, menus and navigation panels, search boxes, actions, check boxes, buttons and links might look different.   The presentation is being updated, and so some areas of the site you are familiar with may have a new look and feel.  We are making every attempt to make things ‘work the same’, while adding new features and benefits.

We’re trying to “make the site better and more user friendly, without making too many drastic changes”.

Why is this necessary?  

In the cyber world, hackers make every attempt to obtain every ounce of information they can, unfortunately.  This site update is our attempt to keep those hackers out and keep all of your work safe and secure.

Websites are kind of like airplanes. Things wear out and need replacing. Just like aircraft mechanics do, we have to replace the hidden nuts and bolts, wires and oil (aka our code) that the pilot (aka our subscribers) never sees. This keeps everything running smoothly and safely.

When is this going happen?

Good question!  It’s a work in progress, and currently, we do not have a dedicated timeline or date of release, but when everything has been thoroughly tested and it’s ready to launch, we will let you know.  Don’t worry, we will give you ample time to prepare for the change, and that will include some up-front training tips/changes/instructions on our “Help Blog” before the release.

What should I expect, as your customer?

For Single-User accounts, besides getting yourself re-familiar with the new changes, there is no action on your part required.  Just LOGIN as usual, and take your time in looking around.  You will notice some things look different, better, newer.

For Multi-User accounts, there is some preparation required.  Before migration, you will need to make sure that every one of your Users has a valid and working email address.  This is because they will have their own Login, for the updated site.  It is necessary for your to open your Multi-User Manager screen, and make any necessary edits or additions, to ensure that every User has a valid working email address. We encourage you to do this right now, and not wait until the last minute.

What’s the good news?

Since the beginning of our revision, we’ve had to put off many customer-requested product improvements. After the revised site is released, implementing those requests and suggestions will resume. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this process.

We invite your questions! 

Yes, it all sounds scary, but we can assure you that all your work will remain intact.  If you need help with the updated site, contact us, we’re glad to assist you.


Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday

IA Renewal – FAA Site IACRA Data Loss

Did you submit an application for IA Renewal on the FAA’s IACRA page?

If so, please note that they encountered a data loss from Feb 27 to March 1, 2023, seen here:

IACRA – Help and Information

Activity in IACRA that was completed after the restore date and time (11:45 PM central, on Sunday evening, February 26) through March 1st:

Existing applications not completed and submitted during this time frame – The user console may not display the correct application status. Contact the Airmen Certification Branch, if you completed a practical test and didn’t submit the application for assistance 1-866-878-2798 Monday-Friday 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM CDST or send an email to

New Registration – New users who registered in this time frame will need to reregister in IACRA. You will obtain a new FTN with the new registration.

User Profile Updates – Any updates that were made to your User Profile will need to be reentered in IACRA.

New Applications Initiated (Other than Remote Pilot – Self Certified) – Applications created but not submitted during this time period will need to be recreated.

Applications approved and submitted certifying officer and self-certified remote pilot applications – No further action at this time. The data from the applications was recovered and submitted to Registry but the information will not show in IACRA.

Applicants who Obtained an FTN to take a Knowledge Test – Users who registered in IACRA during this time frame will need to obtain a new FTN. The previous FTN will not be recognized in IACRA. If a knowledge test was completed during this time frame using the previously issued FTN, the completed knowledge test will still be able to be associated in IACRA by using the knowledge test ID.



Activity Report for IA Renewal


More questions?  Need help?  Contact us at (540) 217-4471   9-5 M-F Eastern Time

How to Update your Certificate Number

Need to Update your Certificate Number?

Certificate Numbers appear throughout our service, such as AD Reports, 337s, Logbook Entries, IA Activity Reports, and Weigh Forms.

Updating your number is easy, here’s how:

1) From the main Member Dashboard, in the upper right hand corner, click My Profile:

2) Under EDIT Profile, click the white Change Cert# button:

3) TYPE in your new certificate # just the way you like it.
(Some write: A&P 1234567 IA or 1234567 A&P IA)


Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471 9 AM-5 PM M-Thursday EASTERN TIME

*CLOSED Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Usage Button for Parts Inventory Tracking

Would you like to know where, and of what quantity, a specific Part has gone to?

Was the part used in a Work Order or Invoice?

With the USAGE button, you can see exactly where that Part was applied:

If the Part was listed in an Invoice or Work Order, click on the number to open that document:

If the part was NOT applied to a document, you will see a notice that says:  This part currently is not used in a Work Order or Invoice.


More questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9-5 Monday -Thursday, Eastern Time
Closed Friday-Sunday

Account Locked? Don’t Panic

Is your Account LOCKED?

If there were too many attempts to access your account, our security tools will view it as a threat, and shut down access for one (1) minute. You will receive this message on screen:————
Account Locked.
Your account was locked out due to too many invalid log in attempts. Please note that passwords are case sensitive.
Don’t worry, the account will automatically be unlocked in 1 minute. Please try again after that time has passed.

Why does this happen?

As a “Software as a Service” provider, we are required to protect our customer’s information and must deflect any apparent attempts to breech security.

So, even if it’s just one of our customers with a “fat finger”, or may have simply “forgotten” their password, or may not be typing their email correctly when logging in, the security kicks in and locks down the account.

Fortunately it is temporary.  We know that waiting that ONE LONG MINUTE can seem like an eternity when you’re in a hurry, and it can be frustrating, we understand.  Please give it that time before calling.  Step away from the screen, give it some time.  Come back and give your LOGIN another try.  If that still doesn’t work, let us know and we’ll be happy to help.

Another option is to consider Resetting Your Password, if you’ve forgotten it.  Click the link below to be taken to the RESET PASSWORD page:


More questions?  Need help?  Contact us at (540) 217-4471   9 AM-5 PM M-Thursday EASTERN TIME
*CLOSED Friday, Saturday and Sunday

FAA AD BiWeekly

Looking for the FAA Biweekly number and date range?

There are two places to find it:

1) First, LOGIN

On the main Member Dashboard, scroll your screen down a bit, and look for a section called “Last Updated“.   You can view and PRINT the dates:

2) Also in the FORMS section, you can PRINT a sheet with the Dates of the Current Revision Status.

Follow this path:

Forms / Checklists > FAA / Custom Forms > Required Technical Library Form > PRINT:

PRINT the RTLF (Required Technical Library Form) – Example below:

Need a BLANK form?  Click the link BELOW:

RTLF – Required Technical Library Form


Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday