Print Layout Options for AD Reports

AD Report Print Layout Options

There are seven (7) Print Options within the AD Report, which are:

    1. Dynamic Standard
    2. Dynamic FAA Style
    3. Dynamic Logbook
    4. Separate by Category (Airframe, Engine, Propeller, Appliance)
    5. Summary (27 lines per page)
    6. Appliance List
    7. Cover sheet

The “dynamic” print style expands the column length to allow for a greater number of text characters, without the font shrinking or being cut off (truncated).




The “dynamic” print function provides Sub-headers for Engine, Propeller, and Appliances.

Try each print style to see which one suits you best.


Have questions? Need help? Contact us at (540) 217-4471
9 AM -5 PM M-Thurs Eastern Time
Closed Friday thru Sunday

Go from Sad to Happy with the AD Toolbox Online!

Without the AD Toolbox, your workflow could be a bit challenged at times.

Let the AD Toolbox keep your work organized, and memorized.

Aircraft Profiles act like a filing cabinet for for all your work, and creates a smooth workflow, so you can go from AD Reports, to Work Orders, Logbooks Entries and Invoicing.  All wrapped up in one tidy package.

Go from Sad-to-Happy with the AD Toolbox Online!


Curious? Have questions? Give us a call at (540) 217-4471 M-Thurs EST

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Addition of WORK ORDERS Function

Exciting BIG News! Today is the LIVE release of the new WORK ORDERS function for the A.D. Toolbox Online!

Create, Print, Download/Save New Work Orders.
Edit Previous Work Orders.
Convert your Work Order to an Invoice and send it to your customers.
Convert and Print your Work Order to a Logbook Sticker.


Remember to create all new Work Orders from within the Aircraft Profile.

If you have existing Work Orders, you can easily link them to the Aircraft Profile.

Curious? Have questions? CONTACT US!

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10 Day FREE Trial of the AD Toolbox Online